From the outside, everything is going well in your life. You have a good job, a family, friends - and yet there is this nagging restlessness. This subliminal feeling that something is missing. This is not a sign of ungratefulness, but an important signal from your inner voice.
Change often begins long before we take the first step. Like a plant that begins to germinate in secret, we initially only feel a slight tug, a subliminal dissatisfaction with the status quo.
This is one of the clearest signs that you are ready for a profound, value-oriented transformation:
You feel an inner restlessness despite external success
Do you know this? From the outside, everything seems to be going well in your life. You have a good job, a family, friends - and yet there is this nagging restlessness. This is not a sign of ungratefulness, but an important signal from your inner voice. It shows you that you are ready to look deeper and connect with your true values.
Do you know this? You set yourself goals, make a firm commitment, this time it works - and yet you remain stuck in old patterns. I felt the same way for a long time until I discovered that the key to real change lies deeper: in our personal values.
In this blog post, you will find out how you can use the Sankt Gallen Coaching Model (SCM)® to discover your own individual values compass and make your life more sustainable as a result. Because values are more than just empty words - they are our inner compass that can lead us to a more fulfilling life.
Let me take you on my own journey of self-discovery and find out how you can switch from a goal orientation to a value orientation.
"Do you suffer from a narcissistic boss or difficult colleagues? Discover how short-term coaching can help you overcome a toxic work environment and improve your wellbeing."
There are three fundamental questions that have preoccupied humanity since time immemorial and on which we have cut our teeth. Although they are of immense importance, they are often suppressed or ignored - the three elephants in the room that nobody wants to see.
Do you sometimes ask yourself why some people get out of bed so full of energy in the morning and others struggle to drag themselves to work? The difference lies in Ikigai - the Japanese philosophy of life.
The basic assumption of VALUE-orientedsystemic coaching according to the Sankt Gallen Coaching Model (SCM)® is that we want to live and increase values through the goals we set. What exactly does that mean?
As a coach, I am being asked more and more often what tips I have for people in the current crisis to help them cope better with stress and become more resilient.
In my VALUE-orientedcoaching, I have always taken an individual approach, i.e. I do not want to and cannot give universal tips.
The current crisis shows this all the more: each of us has to carry our own rucksack
The new year is still very young. How do you feel about so-called "good intentions"? I don't think much of them. Setting clear goals and pursuing them is wonderful, but in my opinion, sustainable implementation is only possible if we know our WHY. This WHY lies deeper and is rooted in our VALUES.
An integral part of my coaching support is the consideration of these two components, which complement and stabilize each other.
But what exactly does that mean? The accompaniments always have the goal that you rediscover the "meaning of your actions" . Why am I doing what? For what and why? Do my personal valuesmatch the values of my environment (job, partnership, family, etc.) or is there something wrong here?
Discover your inner compass and align your life accordingly!
I am also allowed to symbolically "weed" my "inner garden" from time to time .... and yes-sometimes you have to dig pretty deep for it....Weeds stand for all the negative thoughts and problems that occupy you 💭 ...for everything that doesn't belong in your life...
Change of perspective & reflection: Systemic constellations make the hidden and unconscious effects of problems visible and tangible, enabling surprisingly sustainable solutions and powerful developments.
Do you see the opportunities and possibilities that the current time holds, even if it is really intense, challenging and difficult at times? This time also offers a great opportunity to come to terms with your long-awaited inner desires, dreams and fears. Listen carefully to yourself....what can come true for you now?