
As a coach, I am being asked more and more often what tips I have for people in the current crisis to help them cope better with stress and become more resilient. 

In my VALUE-orientedcoaching, I have always taken an individual approach, i.e. I do not want to and cannot give universal tips. 

The current crisis shows this all the more: each of us has to carry our own rucksack.

For many, this crisis has brought up deeply buried fears and injuries. 

These need to be individually considered, appreciated and healed. With the help of the VALUE-orientedSt. Gallen Coaching Model (SCM), I help my clients to go deep, to their core. Our unconscious parts in the depths help us to recognize injuries and fears, to accept and overcome them and thus to recognize the individually important meaning, the VALUE of our lives. 

Source: Sankt Gallen Coaching Model, Coach Academy Switzerland

Source: Sankt Gallen Coaching Model, Coach Academy Switzerland

Are you ready to go deep? I will accompany you on your way with confidence...