When I began to love myself...
The "birthday speech" attributed to Charlie Chaplin contains many great insights into what is possible with self-love.
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"1. when I began to love myself, I realized that emotional pain and suffering are only warning signs that I am not living in harmony with my own truth. Today I know that this harmony is called Being authentic.
2. when I began to love myself, I understood how much it can affect a person if I try to force my wishes on them, even though I actually know that the time is not right and the person is not ready for it - and this also applies if I am that person myself. Today I call this respect.
3. when I began to love myself, I stopped longing for a different life. Now I can see that everything around me is an invitation and an invitation to grow. Today I know that this prepares the ground for maturity.
4. when I began to love myself, I understood that I am always in the right place at the right time for every occasion and that everything happens at exactly the right time. From then on, I was able to be calm. Today I know that this is trust.
5. when I started to love myself, I stopped depriving myself of my free time. I also stopped designing grandiose projects for the future. Today, I only do what I enjoy, what I love and what makes my heart smile - in my own way and at my own pace. Today that means for me simplicity.
6 When I began to love myself, I freed myself from everything that is not healthy for me, from food, people, things, situations and everything that drags me down or takes me away from myself. At first I called this attitude "healthy selfishness". Today I know that this is self-love.
7. when I began to love myself, I stopped always wanting to be right; since then I have been wrong less. Today I know that this is what is meant by humility.
8. when I began to love myself, I refused to continue living in the past and worrying about my future. Now I only live in this moment, where EVERYTHING is happening. This is how I live every day today, and for me that means A fulfilled life.
9 When I began to love myself, I realized that my thinking can disturb me, worry me and make me ill. But since it has connected with my heart and submitted to it, my mind has been a valuable helper. As I know today, this connection is wisdom of the heart.
10. we no longer need to be afraid of arguments, conflicts and problems with ourselves and others, because even stars sometimes collide and new worlds are created. Today I know:
This is life ! "
-Charlie Chaplin-