The first step...

Even a long journey begins with the first step...yes, and sometimes the first step really is the most difficult...


The decisive factor here is often the realization: I want to change something! Change begins with the first step.

If we want to get from A to B, we have to get up and move step by step in that direction. It would be tempting to stay on the sofa but still get to B, but unfortunately it doesn't work yet. And yet we tend to stay on the sofa and prefer to dream about what it would be like at B. 

We usually feel the same way about our problems. Tackling them is often unpleasant. We often secretly wish that they would just disappear into thin air...but actively doing something about it is not really attractive. But why is that? 

Humans are creatures of habit and we find change difficult.

Our subconscious knows what lies dormant deep within us and the problems we struggle with are companions on the path to positive change. 

We can often only recognize the so-called advantages of the problem, i.e. internal delaying tactics that prevent us from getting started, if we are prepared to take a close look.

Once we have recognized these patterns, the "most difficult step" has been taken, old wounds can be healed and we can move on to sustainable change. 

With the help of the Sankt Gallen Coaching Model (SCM), I will guide you through your very personal first step.... 

#value-oriented #value compass #sanktgallercoachingmodel #coaching #satisfaction #livable #lovable #self-worth #health #personality development #self-help #firststep #firstproblem

Worth livingStefanie Egger